The AGM was attended by 13 people.
The Annual Report & Accounts were received and can be found on our website. However, the notes of the presentation by our very interesting speaker, Pat Hagan, Head of Service and Communities at Doncaster Council, are shown below.
The Election of Officers and Committee Members can also be found on our website.
DGCG AGM 13.3.17 at Sprotbrough library
Presentation by Pat Hagan, Head of Service & Communities, Doncaster Council
Job covers 4 main areas:
• Anti-social behaviour and low level crime
• Community engagement and capacity building
• Stronger families programme
• Adult well-being and to enable older people to live in their own homes for longer
These four also include sports and leisure facilities and interpretation and translation facilities, eg in relation to asylum issues.
Research had been done into what people want most out of the council and the issues that came up were what most people want:
Quiet, clean areas, reduction of crime and anti-social behaviour and good local services rather than centralised ones. Generally a nice place to live.
How do they achieve this:
10 neighbourhood with a team leader. Sprotbrough and Mexborough have Glyn Smith in charge and 5 others.
All issues can be covered by special people allocated to them and this method seems to be effective.
Some statistics:
• 500 individuals receive support through Well-being Services
• 1300 volunteers help out
• 720 families receive support through the Stronger Families initiative
• 1200 incidents of anti-social behaviour have been dealt with, including 300 cases of persistent offenders, and are reducing.
Seed funding of £13000 is available to help establish new groups, eg gardening, catering, etc.
Some Challenges:
• Mexborough – localised gang crime has been eliminated when 13 people were imprisoned.
• Edlington – anti-social behaviour was targeted and was damped down. These types of behaviour often flare up again and have to be focused on again.
• Rough sleepers/homelessness issues in the town centre can lead to anti-social behaviour. A problem before Christmas was solved through discussion to establish specific needs.
• There are currently only 5 or 6 rough sleepers in town and approximately 500 beds covering a variety of needs available.
• A self-funding bureau is available for anyone needing an interpreter which covers about 27 languages.
• The Neighbourhood Response Team is still operative on a 24 hour basis to cover any problems which arise. Video recording and night-time patrolling also spots more general problems, eg street lamps which have gone out. It is linked to the police via Tel: 101 or Doncaster Council on Tel: 736000
• Litttering and fly-tipping are a big problem. Some covert surveillance methods or sorting through rubbish to identify where it has come from are used and can lead to prosecutions. 3500 fines have been given for littering and dog fouling. Gates have been erected to prevent access to lanes and dark areas where rubbish is known to be tipped. Food outlets, eg KFC and Macdonalds, are also targeted to reduce packaging to a minimum.
• At Cusworth park, litter is picked up on a nightly basis by a volunteer, but by next morning, it can be all over again from people parking and eating takeaways in the night.
• Although good work is done in the Don Gorge, there is room for enhancement and it would be nice to have new benches on the TPT which has just been tarmacced, some of which is already finding its way into the river in places due to misuse by fishermen climbing down the bank. Woodland is also being cut down by YWT which seems unreasonable.
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