Tuesday, 28 February 2012


To have the bridges over the Don closed for eight weeks is not funny.   Apart from in Doncaster itself, they are the only way over the river and to get to Warmsworth or Edlington is miles and takes an age instead of the a mile or so and ten minutes.  There are three possible alternatives: via Mexborough and Conisbrough; through Doncaster; or north to the Barnsley turn-off of the A1(M) and then south to the Warmsworth turn-off.   

The plan seems to be to re-do the whole of the road, down to base level, inserting kerbstones and replacing the footpath and then re-building the road.  No doubt we'll all be pleased when it's been done, but eight weeks does seem a long time.   I am informed that although eight weeks has been stated, they do hope to complete in six if the weather doesn't hamper them.  This is where they've got to in the first week - inserting kerbstones on the left-hand side going up as far as the bend.  Let's hope the rest moves a bit quicker.


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