Tuesday, 14 February 2017


With Christmas behind us, a new year is upon us and, with all resolutions broken by now, I expect we are all looking forward to new adventures. It’s a bit gloomy here in the Don Gorge as I write, with damp and cold prevailing, but despite the fact that all the perennials in our garden have well and truly gone, winter-flowering shrubs are in bloom, catkins and snowdrops are coming along well, bulbs are sprouting, and buds are beginning to show on several other shrubs.

Spring is always the time for a good spring clean and with that in mind, we have joined the Keep Britain Tidy weekend event and are having another litter pick on Saturday 4 March, so please put this date in your diary to come along and join us. As last year, when we ‘Cleaned for the Queen’, we will cover the trans-pennine trail, the island and the fish pass area and really hoping that it won’t have to be postponed due to flooding again. Posters and more information will be displayed a bit nearer the time.

We have applied for a Tesco grant to enhance the area behind the fish pass where there is an historic wall. If we get the money, we expect to start around April time by clearing the area of fallen trees and other debris before rebuilding the wall and steps where necessary and planting appropriate shrubs and trees near the sculpture. We haven’t heard whether we have been given this opportunity yet, but I hope Tesco shoppers will make sure they get a token with their shopping so that they can vote for us if we are chosen as one of three projects to benefit.

Our Himalayan Balsam project last year was considered to be a great success, but will need following up again this year. It will be interesting to see whether the overall amount has been reduced when it starts to grow again, as it surely will. We will be looking for new volunteers to help with all this work so please give it your careful consideration and see if you are able to join us. We have a hardy band of conservation volunteers who turn out regularly, but few are young and we need some new blood if we are to continue to carry out the much-needed work.  Anyone who bought our 2017 Calendar will have easy access to the Tuesday working days; if you didn’t get one, please get in touch. Perhaps we could organise some weekend working if that was easier for some people. Please let me know.

Talking of calendars, our first was a great success, having sold out before Christmas. We intend to repeat this next year and would welcome photos covering the whole year. Please send jpeg images to me if you think you have a good one – or more!

I am also in the process of arranging themed walks, perhaps once a month, during the summer so look out for posters or add your name to our Friends list by emailing me if you would like a more direct contact. If you are already a Friend, please encourage others to join us.

 Finally, it will be our AGM on Monday evening 13 March, when we hope to have a speaker again. We are returning to Sprotbrough for it, but really hope Warmsworth residents will join us. We have been looking for a new Treasurer for a couple of years now and, as half the Don Gorge is in Warmsworth, would also welcome one or two residents from there. Again, please contact me if you are interested.

 Liz Reeve, Secretary Tel: 01302 313030
Email: lizreeve@dongorgecommunitygroup.com
Website: http://www.dongorgecommunitygroup.com/

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