Wednesday, 28 January 2015


Due for Release on 15 February 2015

River Don from Source to Sea

by Elizabeth Reeve

A journey along the River Don from the moors above Penistone to Goole,
before joining the Ouse and the Humber estuary.  With 180 photographs, it follows
the infant river through reservoirs, to industrial Sheffield, from where the navigation
system comes into its own. 

Liz lives in Sprotbrough and is Secretary to the Don Gorge Community Group.
Her book can be pre-ordered through Amberley Publishing or Amazon.


Don Gorge Community Group AGM & Open Meeting

Monday 9th March 2015
6.45 – 9.30 pm
St Mary’s Church Hall

Jonathan Hart-Woods of the Canal & River Trust
has been invited to make a presentation on the

Fish & Eel Pass:
the need for it and its construction,
including the foundations of the old mill which were found

This will be an interesting evening and all are welcome.

Nominations for Officers and Committee are welcome 
and should be sent to the Secretary by 6 March.

Contact: : Tel: 01302 313030